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A Cool Border, Fence, or archway

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Lucky for us, collision gets confused when items are forced to float due to the item's proximity to a raised or curved wall, or beam in an outpost, player apartment/house, and ship habs.

These examples are done in the Dream Home, the Mercury Tower Penthouse in New Atlantis, and on the porch of a Husbandry building.

In the Dream Home, which is a property players can purchase if they take the "Dream Home" trait, is done by pushing the first item or "Parent" planter up against the wall where there is a slight lip along the floor. This same technique is used in the Mercury Penthouse in New Atlantis in the dining room and main bedroom.

These areas have just enough of a difference to raise the planter off of the floor and mess with the collision.

As a huge fan of the Husbandry Habs as liveable spaces for humans, I was pretty stoked to find this little trick can also be done using the supports located on the porch of Husbandry Habs.

These square planters, when pressed up against the base portion of the posts, are just high enough off of the ground to confuse the collision.


-It does not matter which side of the wall or base you use, as long as the Parent planter is not red and you can place it.

  • Place one square planter up against the wall or post. It may take a few tries until it will let you actually place it while it hovers above the ground. This is the Parent item to which they will all be connected

  • Create another planter up against the first one, pushing it into the parent so that the seams blend.

  • You can place them at an angle, or next to each other, depending on the look you're going for

Note: Just as with the cabinets, if the Parent item is picked up, the attached items will go along for the ride as they are now viewed by the game as a single unit.

They can be floated using this technique, as long as the Parent is properly supported.

I've found several raised areas in other Outpost and Ship habs, and in player Housing where this technique can work, so keep an eye out for them while you're building and decorating.

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First item built up against the Husbandry post base until it floats

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Using the lip/seam in the Dream Home

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Gently pushing the 2nd planter into the side of the first using curved wall inthe Mercury Tower Penthouse.

Just as when we blend cabinets together, all attached items are seen as a single unit so picking up the Parent brings everyone along for the ride.

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Using the angled wall in the Mercury Tower Penthouse's dining room.

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The "Parent" item highlighted showing that it is the only planter with support.

Examples of floating connected items - when the Parent item is picked up, the attached items will go along for the ride as they are now viewed by the game as a single unit.

They can be floated using this technique, as long as the Parent is properly supported.

This technique can also be used with the small, square pedestal. Unfortunately, I could not get any of the other items to do this. I'll keep checking new items as they're released.

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Using post base on the Husbandry building porch to float and then connect pedestals.

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Using the angled wall in the main bedroom of the Mercury Tower Penthouse to connect the pedestals.

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Using the pedestals as an archway.


Disclaimer: PerfectlyHumble and are in no way affiliated with ESO, Zenimax, Stafield, or Bethesda Game Studios (BGS).
Photos and screenshots are taken from actual gameplay; some screenshots have in-game filters applied.
Information is offered for entertainment and enjoyment purposes only and is not endorsed by the creators of ESO or Starfield.
Photos and written works may not be copied or reprinted, in part or whole, without prior, written permission from the owner of this site.
© Perfectlyhumble 2024

© Perfectlyhumble 2024