Perfectly Humble

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Good Info

Housing information including furnishings and vendors

Note: is in no way affiliated or partnered with any of these sites, nor are we compensated financially or otherwise. Sites are listed here because I find them useful, and believe they may be beneficial to other players.

BenevolentBowD BowD has everything from ESO news, crafting guides, and furniture guides including the lux vendor rotation calendar.

ESO-MMO-Fashion Listing of all items, vendors, and available houses. Your one stop for furnishing items with important details such as photos, where to get them and the cost.

ESO-MMO-Fashion's list of all player homes in-game.

Lovelynorth's Furniture Emporium The name says it all - and they're not kidding.

SpicyEconomics JhartEllis' site has a lot of goodies including a gazillion photos of homes and the complete list of lux furnishings, style motifs for weapons and armour!

ESO University- Airie's Homestead Guide

UESP Full list of furnishigs by type.

General ESO knowledge

On a device near you...

Twitch Streamers

Twitch offers a great way to catch up on the newest info on ESO and ESO Housing while connecting with a great community. A few non-housing streamers are added into the mix because they're amazing humans with fantastic streams.

Here are a few of the most consistent streamers that are entertaining and a delight to watch (in alphabetical order):

Airiesummers A true artist when it comes to creating non-traditional, exquisitely cobbled builds in ESO. Airie is also an excellent PvPer, and a superb human with a relaxed, welcoming stream.

Gracefully Lyris mainly ESO trials, some overland PvE and PvP. But most importantly, Lyris is a phenomenal human. She is also an AH-MAZING violinist and treats viewers to impromptu "violin things" during streams.

The impromptu violin sessions are available to watch on her Twitch channel even when Lyris is offline. There's hundreds of them, so just sit back and enjoy.

Icy Building houses, touring houses, PvE...Icy has it all. She streams mainly during the evening EST as Icy is based in NZ. If you dig a relaxed, stylish vibe, Icy is totally worth the late nights, I can assure you.

JhartEllis multi-talented and charming, Jhart does it all on his streams - from gold-making tips, housing tours, PvE, PvP, and events. You might want to check out his brilliant site: Spicy Economics for more housing content including tons of photos and info on lux furnishings and style motifs.

Nordenheim How can you not love a teal centaur? Nordy streams early in the morning EST as he's in the UK, but well worth it if you can catch him live. VODS are also available (for those of us that fail to exist before noon). Housing tours, PvE, great conversations, and a lovely community - Nordy is simply awesome.


Disclaimer: PerfectlyHumble and are in no way affiliated with ESO, Zenimax, Stafield, or Bethesda Game Studios (BGS).
Photos and screenshots are taken from actual gameplay; some screenshots have in-game filters applied.
Information is offered for entertainment and enjoyment purposes only and is not endorsed by the creators of ESO or Starfield.
Photos and written works may not be copied or reprinted, in part or whole, without prior, written permission from the owner of this site.
© Perfectlyhumble 2024

© Perfectlyhumble 2024