Perfectly Humble

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"Wyrd Books & Cafe" at Velothi Reverie

...and how to get them

Types of obtainable furnishing items

Furnishings are multi-functional items used to both decorate our homes, and to actually build the homes. Or build a cave, a space station, or a even giant dragon. These items are obtained from a variety of sources and can cost between nothing and your very soul.

Before discussing how to get furnishings, let's clarify bound and unbound status of furnishings .

Bound furnishings are attached to your account forever. As long as that item exists, you cannot sell it or give it away.

So unbound is fairly obvious: you can sell it, or give it away as your mood dictates.

There have been glitches in the past where items should have been bound, but were not. Although patched, the fix was not retroactive, so some of those furnishings can find their way to guild traders. Other than that, bound and unbound are a forever status.

Why does bound or unbound status matter? Once an item is yours, you get to store it. Inventory space is limited, so if you have a lot of bound furnishings that are not currently in use in a build, you have to put them somewhere. Unbound furnishings can be sold or given away once you're done with them offering you the opportunity to make some gold for yourself, or make someone happy by donating it.

Here are all of the ways to obtain furnishings:

Achievements and Achievement Furnishers: Bound. Usually items or furnishing plans to create items become available for purchase from special vendors once the achievement has been earned. E.g., Undaunted, the Psijic Order, Dark Brotherhood, Grand Adventurer zone achievement.

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"Fleeing Florals"

Mysterious Clockwork Orb (seen here as part of a hot-air baloon cobble) requires the Clockwork City Master Explorer achievement to purchase.

(Scuttleblooms not included.)

Antiquities: Bound. Once you get a lead you scry for, then dig up, the antiquity. Lovelynorth has heaps of great information on the topic.

Coming with the new High Isle expansion in June 2022 antiquities will be available from the zone achievement vendor after the item has been excavated 3 times. Until then, we have to seek out leads, which then allows us to dig for one copy of that item.

Crown Store: Bound. Crowns are purchased with real-world cash, then used to buy items directly from the Crown Store in-game. Items then appear instantaneously in your inventory or collections.

There is a “gifting” option in the Crown Store, which allows you to purchase an item for someone else and it is sent to them - all within the game. Players will trade in-game gold for Crowns at a predetermined exchange rate allowing them to own Crown store items without spending actual money. For example - if I want to buy a house that’s 10,000 Crowns and my friend is willing to “sell” me the Crowns at an exchange rate of 300:1, I’d pay them 3 million in gold and they will “gift” me the house worth 10,000 Crowns.

Any furnishings that came with that gifted house are now bound to me forever and always.

Furnishing Plans: Usually Unbound, unless purchased from Achievement Vendors, which are Bound. Regular (unbound) plans can be looted from nearly any container anywhere, purchased with vouchers for doing Master Writs, or purchased from other players usually via the Guild Traders.

Once you use the plan you obtain the knowledge to make the item at a crafting station, provided you’ve reached the necessary level in that specific craft (woodworking, blacksmithing, jewelry crafting, etc…). Furnishing items you craft from regular plans are not bound. Items made from plans purchased from Achievement Vendors are bound. An example of a bound item created from an achievement vendor plan would be the Psijic Order's light orbs or furniture. The purchased plans are also bound to account.

Home Goods Furnishers: Unbound. Every zone has a furnishing vendor located within a major city. These vendors have a set inventory of items you can buy for gold. Each zone will have one or two items that are unique to that region, such as a tree, a broom, rocks, or foliage. Achievement furnishing vendors for that zone usually hang out next to the regular furnishing vendor, so you can give away all of your gold in one convenient location!

Luxury Vendor: Unbound. Zanil Theran, the Luxury Vendor, is evil. Every Friday evening he mysteriously appears in Coldharbour with a new set of (usually) fabulous items. These furnishings are rotated on an annual schedule with something new added each year. After he takes all of our gold, he disappears early Monday morning. He is both loved and hated.

In-Home Housing Items When purchasing a home via gold instead of Crowns, the items in the home upon purchase are not bound and can be traded or sold. This can be profitable as several of the smaller homes have fireplace accessories worth quite a bit of gold when sold on Guild Traders.

See our Housing Tips page for more information on making a profit when purchasing a few of the smaller homes.

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"Azura's Garden" at Hall of the Lunar Champion. Both the Dwarven Tonal Arc and the Spirit Warden Azura statue are available to purchase after earning specific achievements.

Types of furnishings

Traditional furnishings The majority of items fall under this category. They are usually craftable, are stored in your inventory (bags, bank, or storage chests) and most can be traded to players. In general when a house shows the number of slots available (e.g., 30, 200, 400, 700) it references tthe limit of traditional furnishings allowed on that property.

Collectables Items that are stored under the collectables tab (duh) and are not found in your inventory. These include several achievements, ESO Plus rewards, and various Crown Store purchases are collectable and can be used by any character account wide. If your level 50 main earned the collectable, your level 4 mule can also use it.

Special Collectables Usually purchased from the Crown Store, including assistants, non-combat pets, and mounts are Special Collectables. A good way to remember the difference between regular and special collectables is their ability to be used outside of your house or not. “Special” collectables get to go outside to play. Looking at you, Ezabi.

Special Furnishings These are furnishings that take up inventory space if stored, but don’t take up Traditional Furnishing slots. Examples are Fogs of Hag Fen, Replica Cursed Orb of Meridia, and Alinor Windmill, Decorative. Interesting discussion of this type of furnishing on the official ESO forums.

Other furnishing resources to check out:

BenevolentBowd's comprehensive vendor list Furnishing Vendors

UESP's List of Furnishings

ESO Fashion's Vendor List and their furnishings and vendor list by category: Furnishings by Categoory

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"Tall Papa's Lamp" an antiquity found in Bangkorai