Perfectly Humble

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"Soothing Waters Resort" at Lakemire Xanmeer

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"Azura's Garden" at Hall of the Lunar Champion

Modify your fun


Modifications can improve the quality of game-play. Unfortunately, add-ons are available only on PC (sorry console players!).

I use Minion to manage my add-on collection and to keep them up-to-date. Each one of these add-ons below can be found via the "find more" tab in Minion. Not all add-ons are useful to everyone, but I've listed those I've found useful at some point.


Essential Housing Tools (EHT)

Hearthhome FIlter


Furniture Catalogue

Magic Carpet

Guild Trader

Arkadius’ Trade Tools *


Guild Sales Assistant for Master Merchant

Master Merchant *

Price Tooltip

Tamriel Trade Centre (TTC)


Craftstore **

Dolgubon’s Lazy Writ Crafter

Dolgubon’s Lazy Set Crafter

ESO Master Recipe List





HarvestMap (Farming assistance: Node location markers) Shown below

Map Pins

Votan’s Group Pins

Votan’s Improved Locations

Votan’s Improved Quests

Votan’s Minimap

* Master Merchant and Arkadius' Trade Tools have similar uses and most people use one or the other.

** CraftStore is no longer updated by the original author.

Harvestmap add-on places 3D markers on nodes you've previously harvested. These can also appear on your map and/or mini-map. These options can be turned on or off as you please.

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If you prefer Harvestmap show markers only for currently spawning nodes instead of every node you’ve ever harvested:

Go to Settings > Addons > Harvest Map Then choose “Spawned Resource Filters”

Endeavor Tracker add-on shows your daily and weekly goals in one concise window. It also allows you to set a key-bind for a quick check on your progress while on the go.

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Waterfalls created at Bouldertree Refuge

Getting Started with Housing in the Elder Scrolls Online