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Alternative Uses

Creations Update: June 2024

With the introduction of CREATIONS in June, we've been gifted a couple of mods that have made the builder's life much easier. Off and on I've used Sculley's Emporium, which contains literally hundreds of base-game assests converted to buildable items that can be created and placed directly from the build menu.

I shall continue to experiment, but the modders are coming up with some briliant ideas.

"Cobbles" in Starfield

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Infirmary on a ship with "floating" cabinets allowing space for the bed (above) and a similar cabinet setup with a "cobbled" pegboard for tool storage (right).

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In the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), also by Bethesda, those of us on PC who enjoy building refer to combining separate items of furnishing as "Cobbling."

The approach is a little different in Starfield, but the intent is the same: combine items to create a new item.

Here are some of the creations I've been playing with over the past several months.

You can probably see many of these in photos and videos of my decorated Outposts, Ships, and Housing.
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In-game inspo for lockers found in Deimos habs, like the Captain's Quarters of the Razorleaf

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My version of lockers using the back of the Water Cooler furnishing (the silver piece at the top reminds me of the number tags on the lockers from High School).

I toyed around with making the lift-to-open lever using an empty oxygen booster, a jigger (a measuring cup used when making cocktails), and a pepper shaker.

The pepper shaker was the clear winner for me and has been my go-to locker latch since.

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Tool Storage

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One of the pegboards I've created until we have access to the in-game version.

The desire to store my tools on the wall as seen in-game drove me to try to create my own pegboard. I originally tried using pens, bottle openers, and sand garden tools as supports for the hanging tools.

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Pens are the clear winner, and I've used this method to "hang" tools on my latest ship build and in outposts.

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Random Experiments

A heating or cooling unit. Placed backwards on a wall shelf, the coffee machine is "hooked" up to the wall using a high-speed digital cable.

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The back of two smaller coffee makers look like speakers, or vents of some kind.

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2 different versions of the high-speed data cables placed close enough to appear connected.

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Find the fully gallery, details, and video tour of the Aculeus XX in STARFIELD SHIPS
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New Outpost - Lin’s Lithium on Porrima II across the lagoon from Paradiso.


Disclaimer: PerfectlyHumble and are in no way affiliated with ESO, Zenimax, Stafield, or Bethesda Game Studios (BGS).
Photos and screenshots are taken from actual gameplay; some screenshots have in-game filters applied.
Information is offered for entertainment and enjoyment purposes only and is not endorsed by the creators of ESO or Starfield.
Photos and written works may not be copied or reprinted, in part or whole, without prior, written permission from the owner of this site.
© Perfectlyhumble 2024

© Perfectlyhumble 2024