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Bookcases & Supply Cabinets

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No more empty bookcases

Quick Guide

I’m using the Bookcase for this example and only filling 2 of the “inner” shelves

  • Decide where you want the filled Bookcase to end up

  • Using the Build Menu place a Bookcase up against the wall next to its “final” placement

  • Place 2 of the small Wall Shelves on the wall where the Bookcase will be permanently located

  • We are using folders to act as “invisible” shelves to support our items because they aren’t actually supported by the Bookcase's inner shelves

  • Align Wall Shelves with the shelving inside the Bookcase so that the top of the Wall Shelves are just below the surface of the inner shelving, which will hide the folders

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  • When done placing items, Fast Travel away, then Fast Travel Back

  • Remove Wall Shelves and your items should be floating in the air (like magic! Kind of.)

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After traveling back and removing the Wall Shelves

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Before traveling away

TIP: Items placed using the Build Menu cannot be knocked off or moved, so I use these to support items I’ll later place by hand, somewhat like creating bookends.

  • Move Bookcase over to make sure all of the items fit “inside” the Bookcase, then move it back so you can finish placing items

  • Using the “grabbing” method, move items onto the folders

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"Grabbable" when hovering over item and the name pops up

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Once grabbed, walk (regular or crouched) over to the folders and place

  • Move Bookcase over so that everything is now “inside” and it looks to be filled up with cool stuff!
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What a nice, filled bookcase you have there.

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Ready to move the Bookcase to it's final placement

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Find the fully gallery, details, and video tour of the Aculeus XX in STARFIELD SHIPS
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New Outpost - Lin’s Lithium on Porrima II across the lagoon from Paradiso.


Disclaimer: PerfectlyHumble and are in no way affiliated with ESO, Zenimax, Stafield, or Bethesda Game Studios (BGS).
Photos and screenshots are taken from actual gameplay; some screenshots have in-game filters applied.
Information is offered for entertainment and enjoyment purposes only and is not endorsed by the creators of ESO or Starfield.
Photos and written works may not be copied or reprinted, in part or whole, without prior, written permission from the owner of this site.
© Perfectlyhumble 2024

© Perfectlyhumble 2024