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Walls, Posters & Pictures

Creations Update: June 2024

With the introduction of CREATIONS in June, we've been gifted a couple of mods that have made the builder's life much easier, but I've left up the sink tutorial for those who still want to use this vanilla asset.

I highly recommend “Walls Of Starfield" by sweetpea704 via creations. Not complete walls, but some brilliant dividers with a variety of uses.

Miss_o has also given the Starfield building community incredibly useful and well-made mods via Creations and Nexus.
Buildable Walls and Doors is a must-have (obviously), and Invisible Workbenches brings me back to the gazillions of hours spent building in The Commonwealth (Fallout 4) and using mats to make those Settlers look busy. IYKYK

See photos below for how I've utilized the dividers in my builds.

Pictures and videos using the Buildable Walls and Invisible Workbenches mods coming as I complete my current building projects. Stay tuned!

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White dividers behind the desk, between the dining area and infirmary, and in the armory. The back of the bulletin board for the entertainment center "Blinds" along the wall by the navigation table

The Annoying Sink

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A sink for a very, very, very tall person (Cheers to Bethesda for capturaing my RL WTF expression perfectly).

Placing a sink at the proper height in the base game can be an exercise in frustration.

Enter our friend, The Poster (this also works with pictures, but sounds less dramatic).


  • Place a poster (or picture) on a wall a bit higher than you want the sink to be

  • Build sink on the poster

  • Select the poster and the sink should also be selected. If not, adjust the placement of the sink on the poster until both are highlighted when the poster is selected.

  • Move poster down the wall until the sink is at the preferred height

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Also works using a picture.

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To camouflage the poster or picture I'll play around with adding other posters/pictures so that the one connected to the sink is just part of the display. Sometimes I will just use a poster with less conspicuous colors and have it blend in.

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Find the fully gallery, details, and video tour of the Aculeus XX in STARFIELD SHIPS
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New Outpost - Lin’s Lithium on Porrima II across the lagoon from Paradiso.


Disclaimer: PerfectlyHumble and are in no way affiliated with ESO, Zenimax, Stafield, or Bethesda Game Studios (BGS).
Photos and screenshots are taken from actual gameplay; some screenshots have in-game filters applied.
Information is offered for entertainment and enjoyment purposes only and is not endorsed by the creators of ESO or Starfield.
Photos and written works may not be copied or reprinted, in part or whole, without prior, written permission from the owner of this site.
© Perfectlyhumble 2024

© Perfectlyhumble 2024